"To my big lover bear, much love, squishy bum" xxx
Oh yes, it's that time again. Time for florists and lavish bouquets, time for boxes of chocolates and teddy bears, and time for romance by the truckload. Well, we are jumping on that bandwagon while being mindful that the way to anyone's heart - or anyone whose heart is worth having - is definitely through their stomach. Food is sexy. And the ability to whet one's appetite in the kitchen, can pay dividends with their appetite in other rooms in the house... if you know what I mean.
You don't want to be desperately hanging around the lingerie section of M&S on February 13th, desperately trying to guess the size of your beloved (clue: go larger than you think for the bra, smaller than you think for the pants. Flattery is everything). Or trying to hack into their Amazon account to buy yet another digi-gadget that you know not what it does or why. Or standing forlorn on the forecourt of the garage trying to work out how to pimp up some crispy carnations. Be prepared. And take a look at the
Valentine's edit we have on offer.
Or lubricate your lover with a bespoke blend gin and tonic using the
Love Potion Gin Kit. Come up with a blend that reflects both your personalities with both spicy and floral botanicals to add into the mix.
The Love Potion Gin Kit comes with a very special limited edition "You are the gin to my tonic" postcard and a Love Potion label.
And we will write any Valentine's messages on one of our new gift tags. "For you", especially for you my big-lover-bear-squishy-bum-cutie-pie-angel-cake. If you ask nicely, we will even sprinkle some rose petals in the parcel.